Legal information
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Champagne Lanson66, rue de Courlancy
51100 Reims
VAT number: FR37381835529
Siret number: 381 835 529 00037
Contact mail / téléphone :
Tel: +33 (0)3 26 78 50 50
Director of publication
François Van Aal – Président Champagne LansonWebsite conception and design
Champagne LansonIntellectual property rights relating to the website
Unless otherwise indicated, the visuals and texts in this website are the exclusive property of Lanson. The structure of the website www.noblechampagne.com and all the texts, images, animations and logos it contains are the exclusive property of Champagne Lanson or have been partially transferred by right or are published by permission from their authors. Any partial or total reproduction, adaptation, translation or transformation or any transfer to another website is strictly forbidden without the express agreement of Champagne Lanson (send requests by email to: info@lanson.com).Any use that has not been expressly authorised constitutes an infringement which is liable to prosecution, in compliance with French law (article 50 of Act 78/17 passed on 6 January 1978) and international regulations governing intellectual property.Personal informations
In compliance with the French Data Protection Act 78/17 passed on 6 January 1978, the client database has been registered with the CNIL (French Data Protection commission) 31/03/2009, number 1355803. For information on personal data protection, please visit the CNIL website (http://www.cnil.fr).Responsibility
Champagne Lanson constantly endeavours to keep the www.noblechampagne.com website up to date. However, Champagne Lanson cannot guarantee at all times that the information contained in the site is exhaustive or exact, nor shall they be held liable for any consequences as a result of use by Internet users. This website may contain links to other websites, however Champagne Lanson shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of goods or services made available on these websites or from information published by them.Lanson shall not be held responsible for any technical problems such as interruptions in service or computer malfunctions.
Publication, production
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